SEO Services for Small and Medium Sized Businesses

Hawk Traffic takes a hands-on approach to help grow your organic traffic and expand your client reach through inbound marketing. No two businesses are the same, which is why we take a customized SEO approach to each business we work with. Contact us today for a free audit of your business!

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Team Up with Real Experts

Our team has started and exited numerous digital businesses from e-commerce brands, affiliate sites, and informational blogs, so unlike other SEO agencies, we have experience growing organic traffic into various business niches.

About Us

We Focus on helping brands build sustainable, organic traffic

Evergreen traffic is traffic that brings you visitors any time of year and often ranks for multiple years in Google. We find unique topics related to your niche and help guide you through an easy process to explode your organic reach.

Our Services

SEO Inbound Marketing

While paid ads are helpful in some situations, Inbound marketing through strategic SEO-optimized content creation is a great way to bring attention to your business and outrank your competition. Here are some other benefits of an Inbound SEO Content Marketing strategy:


SEO is a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to traditional outbound methods like advertising. Once your content ranks well, organic traffic continues without ongoing advertising expenses

Targeted Traffic

SEO helps you reach a highly targeted audience actively searching for products or services related to your business, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Improved Brand Visability

High search engine rankings improve your brands’ visibility, trustworthiness, and credibility in the eyes of potential customers

Long-term results

Well-optimized content can maintain high search rankings for an extended period, providing a consistent flow of organic traffic over time.

Competitive advantage

By ranking higher than your competition in search results, you can gain a competitive advantage edge and capture a larger market share.

Discovery & Audits

We perform a free audit to analyze what you are ranking for and take a deep dive into your competition. Many Audits show that businesses have existing content that is on the cusp of being discovered by customers. We help optimize your existing content as well as come up with a strategic plan for future content

Human & AI Content

We can help create human or AI-written SEO-optimized content for your business. Personalized human-written content tends to rank higher in Google Search, but deeply edited AI content can perform for low-competition topics. We analyze the search results to determine which strategy to use

Data Driven

We let the data tell us what is and isn’t working and provide detailed analytical reports to clients to show progress. We want to work collaboratively with business owners and understand new product launches, pr business pivots and adjust strategies to meet current business priorities.

Team Integration

If you have an existing marketing or content team we can work closely with them as an outside consultant to give guidance.

Technical Support

Sites are often held back in Google’s eyes due to having backend technical issues and plugins that don’t optimize discoverability. We also offer one-off or ongoing technical support and site management services.

Blog Management

If you want a total hands-off service Hawk Traffic can manage all aspects of your content marketing and publishing strategy. We will take care of keyword research, contention, and publishing.

What Our Clients Say

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nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Markus Dumble

CEO Global BMT

Hawk Traffic has been a terrific SEO resource for Earn Cares. They are thorough in their process to educate, set proper expectations, and come alongside our team based on our size and ability to execute. I recommend Hawk Traffic to anyone who prefers a hands-on approach toward partnering.
Ryan Smeets
Hawk Traffic went above and beyond to help maximize our visibility online. We had hundreds of pages of content that wasn’t optimized for SEO and we have seen significant rankings improvements since we implemented Hawk Traffic’s advice.
David Xie
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Derek Brownell


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Ready to Grow Your Business?

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